Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Pumpkin Head

The new Smashing Pumpkins record came out yesterday, after seven years Billy Corgan has given the world a taste of the band that made him famous/infamous. With that said, I bought the record and liked it. I have to give it a few more listens to put it into context over the life span of the band... but my immediate feeling was that there were some satisfying ROCK RIFFS, that any Pumpkins fan will like. Check out their new multi-media site, and look for them on Letterman Friday night. link

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I left a comment on Smash...I'm coming out the 17th....bugging out to the Sierras the 19th and back to San. D. co. that sun or mon. I will be in Vista until the 27th. I wonder if you and Smash might find time to come to my friends in vista for BBQ one time before I leave back for Monkey co. MD?
P.S. I gave my e~mail address below
send me a sign