Last night at the arclight was the premiere of the film I worked on last summer. I got an 11th hour call to attend the screening, so I headed out to Hollywood. The screening was at 7:30, and since this little 15 min jaunt takes about an hour during rush hour traffic, I didn't get to eat. This being my first premiere, I was really excited to find free popcorn and sodas waiting for us, a very nice treat. The film was very good, it was really amazing seeing a project that you've worked on unfold before your eyes. I never knew how some of the jokes would translate from the page to screen, but I must say, it works. The movie is very funny and entertaining, with a stand out performance by Sam Golzari and Tony Yalda. Afterwards, there was a great party with a gourmet spread and open bar. Unfortunately, I was too tired to make the rounds, as I'm still recovering from the wedding I attended this weekend, so we split early. But the highlight, had to be seeing my name in the credits. Anyhow, if you want to see more images from the premiere click