Friday, January 13, 2006

The Chief Woo

It's finally happened, ninety-two year old Grandpa Woo is going down fast. The cancer is spreading rapidly and there's nothing anyone can do. I am flying to DC this weeked to pay my last respects... This SUCKS! Anyhow, Woospace might be down for a few days... as the Woo family prepares for the loss of it's great patriarch, Woo Chi Ming. Long live the HUs!!


nosta said...

Sorry to hear about this Woo-man, hope you are doing well.

Anonymous said...

To clear up any confusion back around l944, when the chief Woo, landed on these shores, INS said that he couldnt go around as Mister Hu, so they changed his name to Woo

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about this, hope you're well. Big love to you.