Thursday, May 17, 2007

The Rum Diary

Johnny Depp will apear in another Hunter S. Thopson novel out in 08... Begun in 1959 by a then-twenty-two-year-old Hunter S. Thompson, The Rum Diary details the life and events of Paul Kemp, a freelance journalist who finds himself at a critical turning point in his life while writing for a run-down newspaper in the Caribbean. Paul is challenged on many levels as he tries to carve out a more secure niche for himself amidst a group of lost souls all bent on self-destruction. Thompson delivers a potent story that pushes the sometimes brutal truth of human relations into your face in such a way that it would be absurd to not laugh.

Buddha Head

Looks like someone drew a mustache on this giant Buddha Head.

Knocked Up

Finally, I got a chance to see this film and overall I thought the film worked. I was pleased to see the director, Judd Apatow, introduce the film telling the crew thanks for working on it, and that it couldn't have been as bad as doing a Micheal Mann movie... The big trick with this movie was to see if Seth Rogen and Kathrine Heigl would have any kind of on-screen chemistry, and for the most part they do. What makes this film work isn't so much the premise, a loser guy getting a one night stand pregnant; it's the fact that Apatow laces the film with everyday experiences that the audience can relate to. Some of the best jokes are about marriage and parenthood, coming from Paul Rudd and Apatow's real world wife, Leslie Mann. I thought Mann's performance as an overly concerned parent and control freak were dead on. Her scene with the bouncer was classic. This is definitely an adult comedy, in the sense that it's not about two male figure skaters becoming teammates. There is a fairly honest approach to Apatow's comedy, and he let's his actors say what people would really say. I did find some of the "slacker/stoner/party guys" humor a bit forced... One too many bong hits, we get it, he's a stoner, I mean you named the character Ben Stone for gosh sakes. But the asian stoner girlfriend did have some stand out moments, and her boyfriend's running beard gag was kinda funny, and served the film well with a nod to the passage of time (9 months...) Anyway, if you liked 40 year-old virgin at all, then you'll most likey enjoy it, if not like this one better. Trailer P.S. Seth Rogen's "impressions" in the film are hilarious.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Dark Matter


Federation of International Robot Socccer!

Yes, this is a real event! Robo-Socccer International! Yeah!

Banksy Profile

Here is an article from the New Yorker on Banksy

Mini Kiss

I had heard of these guys but never checked out their site, ooh wee, a mini-kiss rap? link

SP is Back...

Here is a first look at the cover art for the 6th Smashing Pumpkins album, they got Shepard Fairy to do the design... mmeh, not bad, the album is called Zeitgeist. A little more here.

Japanese Mac Ad


Tuesday, May 15, 2007


David Lynch made this commercial for a Swiss cigarette company, are those rats falling from the sky? Also noteworthy is his PSA for a clean NYC

Kung Fu Hustle

The movie is soon to be a video game, but there's some downsides... read more here

Monday, May 14, 2007