Friday, March 30, 2007



Don't know what' this is about, Hmmm... From MTV? Slick online characters representing "puberty"... ok, whatever, take a look.

Gleep and Gloop

I want to live in a Herculoids world...

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Luke Cage Film

Not sure how Tyrese is going to do in Transformers, but perhpas he needs his own comic book movie, which just might happen if they ever make the Luke Cage film. Here's some new on the whole thing, here

Big Foot Art in Culver City


Wednesday, March 28, 2007

World's Tallest Man finds a Bride

Aside from the dramatic height difference, there's also a 27 year age difference....

Monday, March 26, 2007

George Lange Photography

Check out this site, Mr. Lange is a commerical photographer, who does celebrity portraits. But he also puts all the photos together for a cool, flipbook effect of images. Check it out!

Azul De Corso

Some nice shiny graphics here

Oh, Mr. Simmons

Spent last night playing some major Kiss Pinball, Tournament-style, big shout out to Jimsmash for his near 400. Although, everyone is still chasing J-RO's, 404 thousand...

Classic Car Wheel Covers

I was doing research for the new show on vintage hub caps, and after looking on the web, discovered that a shop called
"Classic Wheel Covers" was located right down the street. So after taking some research photos, I got this great shot of a 1970's "Gremlin" hub cap.